Long story short, this bread is sort of a happy accident. For about a year, I’ve been working on a whole wheat brown bread — tweaking it, modifying its parts, trying to come up with a workable dough that would yield an open crumb, a thick crust, and a ton of flavor. Last week, I […]
Wheat Dinner Rolls
I thought, since I didn’t include a recipe with my last post, that I’d give you a quick one here. Dinner rolls aren’t exactly sexy. They aren’t exactly the height of culinary fashion, unless you have a group of friends who are really keen, say, on chicken tetrazzini, or macaroni salad, or casseroles laden with […]
Indian breads, it seems, are bound to become a series on this blog. Not that it’s a surprise. They’re scrumptious, they’re easy to make, and they’ve long been a favorite meal accompaniment — and utensil — of mine. I don’t have a tandoor (much to my lasting woe), but as I wrote in my Roti […]
Roti is so very easy, and so very very good with everything from fried chicken, to kabob, to curry. For those who don’t know, roti is the simplest of the Indian flatbreads, made from whole wheat (atta) flour, water, and salt. It is eaten all over South Asia (and apparently, in certain parts of the […]
Some Thoughts on Ciabatta
I’ve been playing a lot with rustic bread, and specifically with Ciabatta, recently. And I’ve had a couple of thoughts. They’re probably obvious if you know anything about artisan baking, but I’m kind of figuring it out as I go along. I don’t in any sense think that I’ve got it right yet. In fact, […]
Rustic Bread
prosewitch has me thinking about rustic bread. She mentioned something about a sourdough ciabatta-like loaf that she put together the other day, and I suppose that it just sort of put me in that kind of mood. So I got out my sourdough starter, threw in a tiny bit of rye, and this is what […]
Aged Mimolette Brioche
I decided last week that I wanted to do a cheddar brioche in the style of Caffe Strada in Berkeley. I used to love them; they were my breakfast or lunch more often than I would care to admit. But when I went looking for the right cheddar for the project, I came upon Mimolette […]