A Taste of New Orleans

Sara is an artist/cook/substitute teacher/camp counselor/ part-time wedding planner at the moment, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. She graduated from the College of Charleston in 2010 and is about to start classes at UNO this fall for a Master’s of Education. She just moved back home to New Orleans from Charleston, SC this […]

Ten Lessons from my Transitional Kitchen

Elizabeth is a folklorist, a teacher, a blogger (at www.breadandhoneyblog.com) and a culinary experimenter with a low boredom threshold.  She and her partner have recently added a giant puppy to their household; he impedes the experimentation, but she loves him anyway.  They used to live in a large, old house with a small, old kitchen […]

Strawberry Cheesecake Mousse

So … strawberries. They’re in season in the mid-Atlantic. For real this time. They weren’t just a couple of weeks ago, when I made my mixed berry tart. Those strawberries were trucked up from Florida — characteristically swollen and colorful, but also characteristically bland. The strawberries in this post are different. They are from right […]