As a follow-up to my braised lamb post, I thought I’d write up another recipe that features cubeb as a prominent flavor. I know, I know. Cubeb is a lot like pepper, and it’s kind of weird to put pepper in a dessert. But go with it. It’s good stuff. For the Filling: 8 apples […]
Some Thoughts on Ciabatta
I’ve been playing a lot with rustic bread, and specifically with Ciabatta, recently. And I’ve had a couple of thoughts. They’re probably obvious if you know anything about artisan baking, but I’m kind of figuring it out as I go along. I don’t in any sense think that I’ve got it right yet. In fact, […]
Rustic Bread
prosewitch has me thinking about rustic bread. She mentioned something about a sourdough ciabatta-like loaf that she put together the other day, and I suppose that it just sort of put me in that kind of mood. So I got out my sourdough starter, threw in a tiny bit of rye, and this is what […]
Aged Mimolette Brioche
I decided last week that I wanted to do a cheddar brioche in the style of Caffe Strada in Berkeley. I used to love them; they were my breakfast or lunch more often than I would care to admit. But when I went looking for the right cheddar for the project, I came upon Mimolette […]