Chocolate-Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Now with Cherries and Almonds!)

Sometimes I cook because I’m excited about a new idea.  Sometimes, it’s because I’m hungry, or because I want something specific, or because I want to impress my friends, or because I’m guilted into it by Sarah, who tells me:  Really?  You want to order in again?  Didn’t we just get a bunch of vegetables […]


Indian breads, it seems, are bound to become a series on this blog.  Not that it’s a surprise.  They’re scrumptious, they’re easy to make, and they’ve long been a favorite meal accompaniment — and utensil — of mine.  I don’t have a tandoor (much to my lasting woe), but as I wrote in my Roti […]


Roti is so very easy, and so very very good with everything from fried chicken, to kabob, to curry.  For those who don’t know, roti is the simplest of the Indian flatbreads, made from whole wheat (atta) flour, water, and salt.  It is eaten all over South Asia (and apparently, in certain parts of the […]