Someone at work is having a baby shower, Sarah said. Will you make a dessert? Sure, I thought. I had just been watching this sexy video chronicling the construction of a Sachertorte — a classic Viennese chocolate-on-chocolate-on-apricot number that l desperately wanted to reproduce. So I restarted the video and showed it to Sarah. And […]
Looking through the archives this morning, I discovered that ages ago, among the legacy posts that came over from my Livejournal, I actually had a recipe for ciabatta. In that post, I wrote that I was dissatisfied with my recent attempts in almost every way, and that I was kind of figuring artisan baking out […]
Chocolate Macaroon Fail!
I think that I wanted it too much. That was the problem. Passover is coming, it’s my favorite holiday of the year, and what better way to celebrate here at Twice Cooked than with chocolate coconut macaroons. Parve, kosher for Passover, chocolate coconut macaroons. But alas. I suppose that it wasn’t to be. Here’s the […]
Emu Egg Quiche
Alright folks — are you ready for this? Here it is. My geekiest dinner party fantasy. One day, some day when I don’t have quite so much other work hanging over my head, I’d like to host a sci-fi dinner. I’ve been thinking about it for years, on and off, slowly planning the menu. It […]
Italian Semolina-Truffle Oil Rolls
Surely, I’ve thought to myself, all these many months that I’ve been posting here — surely, I’ve already written about semolina bread. It is, after all, a perennial favorite in this house. It is, after all, a regular in my bread rotation. But I did some searching through the archives yesterday, as I was thinking […]
Stuffed Bread
You all know the story of the pasty, right? If you don’t, you should. As I am given to understand it, this little jewel of meat and vegetable, wrapped in golden flaky crust, was developed by the families of Cornish miners as the original hot lunch-in-a-box. The wives of the miners (wives, of course, because […]
Orange-Cardamom Shortbread
I can’t say that I’m much of a C. S. Lewis fan. His writing for adults has never much grabbed me. And being neither a Christian, nor someone who read the books as a child, I have a limited appreciation for The Chronicles of Narnia. At best. But I do owe C. S. Lewis one […]
Christmas Cookie Teaser
A full post, including a recipe for Christmas cookies that are not these, will be forthcoming in the next couple of days. For now, you’ll have to content yourself with this teaser: Enjoy!
Lemon-Rosemary Scones
Sarah and I have a grand weekend tradition of eating breakfast out. We’ve been doing it almost as long as we’ve been together. First, it was at the Original Mel’s in Berkeley, then the Runcible Spoon in Bloomington, and now … it’s wherever we can manage here in Philadelphia. We’re fans of restaurant dining, generally […]
What, with Thanksgiving coming up and all that, I’ve been making a lot of ice cream lately. First vanilla (because you can’t properly have pie without vanilla ice cream) and then maple with pan-roasted pecan pieces (because something about that combination screams I’m for Thanksgiving!). I expect that some few of you out there would […]