Cooking & Eating, Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving

**Update, November 24, 2011, 10:25PM: Thanksgiving went off without a hitch.  Despite my earlier chafing against holiday orthodoxy, it was, perhaps, the most traditional Thanksgiving I have ever made.  And it was tasty.  And it was well received.  And a good time was had by all.

For those of you who were there — thanks for coming; it was great! And for all the rest of you out there who weren’t — be sorry you missed it.

Now, I know.  That picture of a naked turkey (technically proficient as it might be) is a bit hard to look at as the top image on the blog.  So, in honor of the holiday spirit, here’s something slightly more appetizing to the eye.  Enjoy!

I hope that you all have a great time with turkey, and family, and stuffing, and pie.  I know that I will!